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We treat your pain
We care for you
Body Works Osteopathy is a patient focused practice with a genuine passion and energy in helping deliver positive outcomes for our clients.
In addition to regular in house appointments our Osteopaths also offer online consultations and home visits.
For more information or to book an appointment please contact us via WhatsApp
WHAT IS YOUR PAIN STOPPING YOU FROM DOING?Is your pain affecting your quality of life? Is your pain affecting the way you function?
WE ACTIVELY LISTEN TO YOUWe review with you what you share with us. We want to understand you and the context of your issue.
WE CONDUCT A FULL PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONWe screen you overall health, and, conduct a full physical examination. Our examination includes neurological and orthopaedic testing where appropriate.
WE EDUCATE AND DISCUSS TREATMENT OPTIONS WITH YOUWe present treatment options for you to consider. These are based on the best available and current evidence.
YOU DECIDE YOUR TREATMENT AND PATHWAY IN MANAGING YOUR COMPLAINTWe provide you with written feedback, a management plan and ongoing support in helping you optimise your recovery. You then decide if you would like further sessions to help for motivation, recovery strategies and/or evaluation of current strategy.

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Nothing can be more humanistic than using evidence to find the best possible approach to care.
Prof Jules Rothestein, PT, PhD
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